for feminist
We develop visions and projects with the goal to create more equitable futures. We do research, build networks and shape narratives. Superrr is playful, visionary and feminist.
Superrr Community is a network of female, trans and non-binary people in the arts, in science, tech, journalism, activism and more. We meet on a regular basis in Berlin and London.
News &
SUPERRR Lab is growing – welcome Larissa!
Get to know our new team member.
Vertrauen lässt sich nicht verordnen
Ein offener Brief aus Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft zur Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens
Digitalgipfel – Jenseits von Dystopie und Utopie
Zukunftsworkshop für eine gemeinwohlorientierte Digitalisierung
Between the Past, the Now and the Future – An interview with Joana Varon
Seeing in the future has always been considered a superpower, but what if a card game can help us envision the future we want? We sat down with Joana Varon, one of the creators of the Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies for an interview.